The best foods you need for good gut health (+ 10 to avoid!)

December 11, 2019

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The words “gut health” have been swirling the internet for quite some time now. But… what does it mean to have good gut health and why? Also what the heck kind of foods are good for this so-called good gut health? Today we will be addressing why it’s a really good idea to have good gut health but also what kind of foods help create a healthy gut environment. There are also some obvious foods that disrupt it as well.

A few IMPORTANT things to note are that 1. I am not a nutritionist 2. Everyone’s gut is personal and different. These foods have been studied to increase the microbiome in the gut making it “healthier” and by healthier could mean several things. With that being said, some of the foods to help increase your gut microbiome may still give you issues depending on your body.  Overall, its importance is that you are eliminating properly and are not suffering from constant bloat. Keep reading to learn more!

Why you should strive for good gut health

Gut health is super important and affects the way we digest foods and lets us know if we are lacking in nutrients, vitamins, and fiber. The gut also tells us when we have intolerance or allergies to certain foods. A strong gut will have less bloating and will make you happier. If you dream of having a flat toned stomach, you need to make sure you have a great relationship with your microbiome.

Not only is the elimination and bloating a factor of healthy vs unhealthy gut, but there are great effects of having a healthy gut. This would be the improvement of sleep, mood, brain health, immune system, and possible disease prevention. (1)

Look, this part of the body affects how you digest foods! It’s important to keep it striving because you will feel a difference when you do. If you constantly feel uncomfortable, you could have an allergy to something you’re eating or doing every day. If you also constantly feel anxious, moody or tired, it could be linked to your gut. Especially if you are constantly eating out at restaurants where nonorganic ingredients may be used, loads of sugars, or lack of fiber. Some of these are just a few downsides and upsides of gut health.

If you have a lot of issues with your stomach and you try some of these things to increase your gut health, I would suggest checking in with a holistic dietician. They have food intolerance tests, blood works and food knowledge that will be specific to YOU. They can help you get on the right track to a happier body and a happier mind!

Foods for the best gut possible:

Fermented foods to build the microbiome

probiotic rich foods
  1. Probiotics
  2. Yogurt
  3. Kefir
  4. Miso
  5. Sauerkraut
  6. Kimchi
  7. Kombucha
  8. Tempeh

Prebiotic foods to FEED the GOOD bacteria

prebiotic rich foods for gut health
  1. Sweet potato
  2. Banana
  3. Onion
  4. Leeks
  5. Garlic
  6. Asparagus
  7. Dandelion root
  8. Apples
  9. oats

High fiber foods that are good for gut bacteria

high fiber meals that are good for gut health
  1. Raspberries
  2. Green peas
  3. Beans
  4. Legumes
  5. Broccoli
  6. Chickpeas
  7. Apples
  8. Dandelion roots

Foods to stay away from or eat in moderation:

  1. Artificial sweeteners
  2. Fried foods
  3. Sugar
  4. To many animal proteins
  5. Gums + other random binding agents in processed foods
  6. Coffee
  7. Some foods can also affect certain people with intolerances, or allergies (get tested with a Registered Dietician!)
  8. Alcohol
  9. Antibiotics

Some other things that may affect gut health

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There are some other factors that can also take part in the way you may feel in the stomach region. It’s not just food but sleep, stress, smoking, not enough prebiotics, and intolerance to name a few.

Another thing you can do to add more good bacteria to your body is to add in some probiotic supplements that have all the special colonies your gut will love! Having some probiotics along with a little prebiotics, good fiber, and other gut building probiotic foods can be a sure-fire way to great gut health and no more bloating!

I hope you enjoyed this post and will consider adding these to your diet. But don’t forget to get some great sleep, relax in a bath, and exercise regularly to create OVERALL amazing health! Because this is the goal! Not looks and always losing weight but being happy and confident.




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Hi, I'm Dacia. A Student getting my BA in Lifestyle Medicine and Health and Wellness Science to become a Board Certified Nutrition and Wellness Specialist. Learn More about me here...

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