14 Scientifically proven ways to Relief stress & Anxiety

February 8, 2020

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This week I was all over the place. Feeling sick, exhausted, and mentally physically drained. I know I am not the only one who feels this way on occasion, so I came up with this post. This week in class, ironically enough, we talked about stress. We talked about how it happens, what happens in the brain, and how to relieve it. We also went over some of the negative effects of stress that are—life-threatening.

BUT don’t freak out! Stress can be a good thing. I actually want to encourage you to check out this video by a psychologist who studied stress.

After watching this video and learning facts about stress, writing about it was important to me. I know there are lots of people that are stressed out in the world. Being a healthy living addict, I couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought about this before!

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Many people struggle with stress daily and don’t even know it. You may be one of those people. If you don’t know, stress is a fight or flight response and the hormone responsible is cortisol!  So, if you don’t get this hormone and your stress levels under control, you could stay in a fight or flight mode. When you stay here, it can lead to health issues like diabetes, heart disease, and even chronic fatigue.

eating out is not good

As you can see, stress a BIG issue. So why aren’t more people talking about it? It is a mistake in the health and fitness industry that we ignore stress as something of importance. Being happy and healthy does not just mean nutrition and exercise but mental health too.

Weight loss & Overeating

Since your hormone cortisol is related to high stress, it is also what leads you to crave ‘comfort food’.(study) So, if you find you are an overeater and constantly crave greasy sugary foods, look at your week and the times when you craved these foods. (study)

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Feeling stressed leads, us to want junk foods which can lead to obesity and heart problems later on in life. Even though food may seem like the comfortable way to go, it makes cortisol levels even worse!

But don’t worry! You can destress! One tip is to write out some of the things that stress you out and then reflect on them. If your job is constantly stressing you out, investigating how to make it less stressful will help. That could be why you are here!

Stress Relieving Activities to Try:

Try some of these awesome stress reliever products instead the next time you feel stressed. The ones in green have some studies attached to them that you can check out!

15 Stress Relieving Products

Back Massager

As mentioned in the study above, therapeutic massage is very beneficial to stress relief. You can also book an appointment to get a relaxing massage by a pro too, but that’s pricy! check out this highly rated Back & Neck Massager from Amazon.

Dr. Teals Lavender Bath Salts

Taking a nice hot bath with some relaxing Epsom salts will relieve tons of stress and tension. This one has high-quality Epsom and calming lavender smell. Lavender is proven to reduce stress in this study. Get your Epsom Salts for the Bath from Amazon.

Love Wellness #Mood Pills

These pills are a high-quality #Mood Pill that has something called St. Johns Wort. It also contains Gingko leaf powder which is also known to reduce stress and relieve depression. In a study done with St. Johns Wort and depression, St. Johns Wort was just as effective as SSRI. Get your #Mood Pills from Amazon.

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White Noise Sound Machine

Trying to sleep but can’t? thoughts are also something that gets a hold of us in terms of stress. Wind down with aromatherapy, a bath, and some outdoor white noise before bed and you will have amazing sleep. High-Quality White Noise Sound Machine from Amazon.

Aromatherapy + Diffuser

Aromatherapy and lavender oils are proven to relax your body and mind. This will calm your anxieties while at work or winding down for the night. Even diluting lavender oil with some coconut oil is a great way to rub it on your wrist for an instant calming effect. Get your Favorite Pineapple Diffuser & Lavender Essential Oil from Amazon.

Relaxing Lavender Honey Tea or Ginseng

As you could tell, lavender is an amazing stress reliever and can be inhaled, bathed in, and you can drink it too! I love me a good lavender latte with coconut milk or my favorite Yogi Honey Lavender Tea. But other ancient Chinese herbs that are helpful are Ginseng, ginkgo root, ashwagandha, bacopa extract, and Rhodiola Rosea. Some of these are adaptogens which are beneficial to our stress levels and other benefits. Ashwagandha from Vitamin Shoppe,

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Weighted Anxiety Blanket

Weighted blankets help calm those with autism and high-stress levels. When laying down in a comfortable room with a weighted blanket, it is particularly helpful for stress relief. High Quality Weighted Anxiety Blanket from Amazon

Aesthetic Self Care

I don’t know about you but a good facial and some pretty looking skin care always gets me excited and ready to take care of my self. This can really calm down your stress levels and allow you to care for your self in a fun way. Herbivore Blue Clay Detoxifying Facial | #1 Best Seller, Aztec Healing Facial Clay Mask

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Luxury Scented Refresh Candle

Not only are these a soy wax based candle with none of the yucky stuff, but they are also specially formulated to relax you and refresh your senses. This candle is attractive and wonderful to give as a Self Care package gift! Luxury Lavender Sage Peppermint Candle from Amazon.

Adult Coloring Book= Major Fun!

Not only does coloring help you focus on something creative, its fun too! when we get stressed out, we forget about the fun things! This is one of my go to’s when I need a break from constant school and computer work because it allows me to get creative and spend time doing it! Enchanted Forest Coloring Book from Amazon

Mindfulness Journal

Journaling everything out and the act of mindfulness is extremely helpful when coping with negative thoughts and emotions. A study shows, mindfulness was helpful to cancer survivors in terms of reduced cortisol levels. Getting a cute journal like this one from Amazon will make you want to write!

Planner to Stay Organized

There’s nothing worse than stressing out over something that you could have planned ahead. If you are a student or have important deadlines for work, plan ahead and budget your time accordingly to avoid unnecessary stress. This is the one I have and I LOVE IT. It is affordable and has really big areas to write. Blue Sky 2020 Monthly, Weekly Planner

Stress Play-Doh

I know what you’re thinking, play do that’s a stress ball?! yes! these are extremely helpful if you are in a meeting, at work, or doing school work. Try this Groovy Nee Doh Stress Ball

Rich Gourmet Dark Chocolate

Rich dark chocolate is great for moods and especially if you feel stressed around your time of the month. Getting some of this gourmet Godiva Assorted Chocolates will ensure happiness. Godiva Assorted Chocolates from Target

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Face Relax Pillow

This is a great way to relax with an aromatherapy diffuser, sound machine, and a hot cup of honey lavender tea. Try using this and the above items mentioned for a wonderful relaxing night. Eye Pillow from Amazon

gratitude journal mindful

Now that you have checked out some of the amazing ways to reduce the stress in your life, you can feel calm and happier. These stress relievers could save lives and also make great gifts.

Trying some of the activities are also proven by scientists to reduce stress so I highly recommend trying them out 🙂

Let me know in the comments what your favorite ways are to compress and destress! I like doing deep breathing exercises, eat healthily, have a hot bath, do a face mask, and take breaks during studying.

Some more stress relief tips that help reduce stress are sleeping well, consuming less caffeine, and eating nutrient-dense foods!

Hope you enjoyed!



1 Peter 5:7

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”

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