5 Easy Tips for a Cleaner Home

June 19, 2019

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Hi everyone! Today we will be talking about how to have and keep a cleaner home in 5 easy tips. If your home is like mine, you clean up everything just to have it messed up the next day. Well, never fear! There are easy ways to keep your home looking fresh and clean at any time.


Here are 5 of my easy and amazing tips for a cleaner home!

Ultimate cleaning tips

1. Just Put it Away

Cleaning bathroom tips

Just put it back after you use it! This tip is crucial if you want to keep your home clean. After you are done with that book, put it back where it belongs. Putting things away after you use them will keep your home clean by not creating a huge build-up of toys or clothes lying around.

Another great way to use this tip if you don’t have enough time to clean it up after you are using it is to take 20 minutes each night before bed to pick up your surroundings. If you pick up after yourself in the evening, you will wake up to a comforting, clean place and you won’t get behind in the day. Plus fewer chores for the weekend!

2. Clean as you go

Clean home tips

Cleaning as you go is extremely beneficial in your kitchen. When you make a big dinner for your family, friends, or even yourself,  put food away as you go and only use what you need at the moment. Cleaning as you go will make it less stressful after you eat because all you have to do is clean the dishes.

Another great way to keep the kitchen clean after you cook is to put all the dishes you used in the sink so you HAVE to clean them! It clears the counters making it less daunting when having to complete the dreaded task of doing the dishes.

This same hack can be used when getting ready in the morning when doing your makeup or other tasks.

3. Cleaning Supplies?

Cleaning supplies

Only buy what you need! This will come in handy when you only have so much space as well as having easy access to your supplies.

Buying cleaning supplies that you need will not only save you money, but it will also save you time digging around in your cabinets trying to find the perfect thing you need.

Some of the best cleaning supplies you should buy are:

I suggest you buy all of these items in your local bulk foods store like Costco (that’s where I get all of mine!)

4. Pick a Day


Pick one day a week, month, and year to deep clean your house. A great way to keep your house in tip-top shape is to complete small tasks throughout the week (tip 1) so you can focus on a major clean on designated days. Not only can you focus on more important long tasks, but it makes it easier and save you time.

Some examples of cleaning tasks at these times would be:

One day a week:

  • Bleaching toilets
  • Mopping the floors
  • One major detox wipe down on all appliances, door handles, fridge door, and surfaces
  • Fluffing the couch
  • Cleaning the sheets

One day a month:

  • Clean all mirrors, windows
  • Organize or clean out the stove, washer, dishwasher, and pantry
  • Wipe down and organize the fridge
  • Dust
  • Deep clean the shower a magic eraser works great for this!!

One day a year:

  •  gutter cleaning (if you have them)
  • Sweeping under couches and other unseen surfaces
  • Donate and organize the closet (keep organized! Donate things you don’t love or wear)
  • Cleaning out kitchen cabinets (purging)
  • Sweeping patio

Make a cleaning routine the family can help with to make this easier on yourself!

5. Get a Robot

Are robot vacuums worth it

If you don’t have a Roomba, or a Neato Botvac vacuumits time to invest. I have had one for about 2 years and I absolutely love it. I have a Neato Botvac and it was worth the investment because I can set it on a cleaning schedule and get other cleaning tasks or work done while it vacuum’s my whole apartment.

Speaking of which, this is great for apartments and other small living spaces. It’s great for homes too but you have to make sure you are picking up after yourself so it doesn’t suck something up and make it a pain in the butt!

If you don’t get a robot vac, try vacuuming as often as you feel stuff on the floor. I have my botvac set to go off every other day for maximum cleanliness, not to mention I have to furry cats that really make It necessary.


I hope that you found these cleaning tips easy to maintain and use for your home whether big or small, they can really make your house feel like a home. Keep your home nice and cozy with these other décor items and cleanliness.

10 Cozy Essentials for Your Apartment


There are lots of ways to make your apartment cozy and these are the BEST ways to make your home the coziest. Try these out and tag me on Instagram @dfsedco! I would love to see some of the designs you come up with around your apartment!



“And whatsoever all of you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men”  Colossians 3:33


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