6 Weight Loss Tips for Teens

June 12, 2019

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If you have been struggling to lose weight in high school, middle school, or college, this is the post for you. There isn’t that many articles out there that have suggestions on how to lose weight as a teenager. These tips will help you take control of your weight, and create good fitness and eating habits.

Here are 6 Easy Weight loss Tips for Teens! 

Ditch The Sugary Drinks

I know it can be hard in school when a cold soda sounds good but the truth is that its filled with chemicals, high fructose corn syrup and other dangerous additives that can make you gain weight. Sugar-filled drinks can give you acne, unwanted belly fat, and leave you feeling tired and lethargic. That’s not what you need when trying to socialize or learn!

Try these drinks instead:

  1. Green tea or matcha tea AT HOME
  2. Protein shake
  3. Soda water
  4. Propel zero
  5. Vitamin water zero sugar
  6. Cold brew coffee with stevia

Bring your Lunch

Create a healthy habit and change to your diet by bringing your own lunch to school. If you opt for making your own lunch and avoiding unhealthy cafeteria foods and fast food, you will definitely see a difference in your body.

Some of your friends will think you’re not only being healthy, but smarter for saving money by bringing your own lunch. This helped me a lot when my friends were spending their money on Chick- fil- a while I made my own lunches that were delicious and nutritious!

Try a combo of these healthy lunches in a cute lunchbox:

  1. Pb & j on wheat bread with grapes, a protein bar, and celery with dairy-free ranch
  2. Cucumber and cream cheese spinach wrap with Hippeas (healthy cheetos), strawberries, and a nut mix
  3. A spinach salad with vegan ranch & tomatoes with tofu, pretzels, peanut butter & celery with a protein bar

Workout With a Friend

When I was in high school, my best friends and I got excited to go to the gym together and do hardcore workouts. You not only motivate each other, you compete with each other to see who can run the fastest or go to the gym the most often(so motivating lol)! There are tons of easy workouts on Pinterest that you can do at home, or at a local rec center! Rec centers and other local gyms offer student discounts and your school may even have hookups to those places.

Also, stay active by walking the dog in the mornings and afternoons to easy weight loss and more activity.

Here are some awesome workouts to do at home or with a friend:

  1. 8 Week Workout Plan for Rapid Fat Loss (at home or gym)
  2. Hiit Partner Workout to Burn Fat Fast

Create a Bomb Playlist

When you create a catchy playlist that gets you pumped it can make it easier to work out, go for walks,or hit the rec center to complete your goals.

Music has always helped me continue to work out and feel great every time I do! I love it so much, Spotify has amazing music playlists for working out and you can also make your own motivating playlists with your favorite music.

Be Around Positive People

This is a HUGE  tip you need to implement! If your family is negative, talk to them about it! They love you and want to know what you’re feeling and how they can help you. Same with your friends, if your friends don’t motivate you to be your best healthy self,  it could be a way of God showing you to find some better more motivating people to be around.

You have a lot of growing to do still but by being around positive people you will adopt their habits and healthy tricks to help you and you will lose weight instantly. Being happy is the best medicine you need!

Go Grocery Shopping!

I know this doesn’t sound fun, but you will be in control of your food and feel more responsible knowing you did it on your own! If you aren’t ready to go your self, go with your parents and tell them a couple of healthy things you want to add to the list for lunch and breakfast.

Who knows, it may even inspire them to eat healthier.

Take pride in knowing you made this choice for you and your body early so you can adopt healthy habits as an adult.

Some simple healthy foods to add to your diet may include:

  1. Fresh or frozen fruit mix (berries, apples, bananas, grapes)
  2. Leafy greens (spinach is my favorite and is easy to put in smoothies)
  3. Snack veggies like carrots, celery, cucumbers
  4. No sugar almond butter
  5. Lean protein or tofu
  6. A favorite sauce with no unhealthy oils or dairy (vegan caesar dressing or dairy free ranch is great)
  7. High protein bars

 I really hope you found these tips helpful as they were helpful for me in high school when struggling with weight loss and finding the will to exercise. If you have any questions about anything mentioned in the article or other questions, please feel free to comment down below and I will get back to you. ♥

Losing weight as a teenager doesn’t have to be difficult but it can be fun!

If you are interested in some fat burning foods, check these out here!

How to Lose Belly Fat With Food ♥

Need Workout clothes inspo?! Amazon has some great finds! Check out my post on them here :)

Top 16 Cute & Thrifty Workout Clothes On Amazon



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