How to Stay In Shape Without Giving Up Dessert

November 21, 2019

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It seems too good to be true?! Well if you’re like me and have the biggest sweet tooth ever, then you know how difficult it can be to give up dessert for your goals. It doesn’t have to be this way!

You can still enjoy your favorite foods and be on your health and fitness journey because it’s a journey! I wanted to talk about this because I know there are so many goodies and treats around this time of year.-pie anyone? So let’s talk about this and how we can maneuver around some of these difficult times- after all, we are in this together!

Here are my tips to stay in shape without giving up dessert. Even though I mentioned winter above, these tips are great for all year round or even traveling.

Eating a balanced (healthy) diet

minimalist baker vegan caesar salad
Recipe/ image by: Minimalist Baker

Eating a rich nutrient-dense diet with leafy greens, good fats, high-quality protein, and complex carbs is going to make you feel your best and aid in weight loss. Make sure you get nutrients you need in your day because it is essential for all functions of the body.

To make sure you are getting the nutrients you need, download the chronometer app for free. Eating this way will diminish the sugar cravings in the first place and will be a relief to your digestive system (yay). One thing I don’t recommend? Going on a restrictive diet especially around the holiday season- I go more in-depth in this down below. If you want to be more aware of your calories in vs calories out, get yourself a Fitbit. This will be the best way to know if you are in a deficit, eating enough or overeating!


intermittent fasting for weight loss

Some agree with this, and some don’t. Some also may have issues with this method if they have disordered eating or are just too hungry in the morning or nighttime. If you do fast, don’t make it super strict! Even if you just wait a while to eat breakfast, you can still burn a lot of calories, experience weight loss, decrease Insulin spikes and increase growth hormone.

I like fasting because I feel that when I do, I feel fresh and airy throughout the day which helps me to not overeat my calories making it perfectly acceptable to have a little sweet treat late in the day.

Dessert Alternatives

16 Healthy Sweet Snacks to Try!

Create a healthier dessert alternative to satisfy your sweet tooth. Also, do you ever just crave fruit? Sometimes you may be craving fruit when you are craving sugar because your body is needing some fructose from fruits or you are dehydrated and need some water.

 However, sometimes we just need a little treat and around this time of year is when the cravings hit the hardest. Another tip, if you do have some sugar desserts, have them on occasion and make it special. Eat a gourmet cookie instead of an Oreo (which can be easily overeaten and not worth it!) enjoy desserts with family or friends and savor it.

Don’t feel guilty or have that all or nothing mentality because you still have goals in mind. Try also making healthier versions of your favorite treats to help you stay on track with your goals throughout the hardest time of year for fit babes. I love using Monk fruit sugar or Liquid stevia to make a one serving treat. One of my favorite things to make is my easy high protein cookie dough! If you want me to make a recipe post for this comment down below so I know 😊

Work it Girl!

Working out is the best way to burn off some extra calories so you can eat more! A majority of the US works at a desk job making it very hard to get up and move around. With my Fitbit, I can track to see how many calories I’m burning or how many steps Ive done.

 It’s so nice that we have this technology now so we can be more aware of what we are putting into our bodies. Fitbit allows me to be more knowledgeable so I don’t go crazy and overeat the cookies, cause ya know ya girl would!

Anyways, finding a workout routine that works for you is essential to completing your goals and staying healthy this winter. It will get the blood flowing, heart pumping, and grow the booty! Create your workout plan, dance in your room, or just go for a walk! One of my favorite things to do to get more steps in is to watch movies, listen to audiobooks, or watch YouTube while I walk on the treadmill at an incline.

Get 50% off your first audiobook with Audiobooks now if you want 🙂

Don’t Diet

christmas recipes

I know what you’re thinking…how can I lose weight then?! Dieting is going to most likely make it harder for you to say no to treats and affect your happiness. It is NOT recommended unless you have serious self-control.

This goes back to tip 1, as long as you are eating your essentials of fruits and veg, you will be just fine having that one cookie in the week or on your special holiday. If anything, drink more water because sugar can cause inflammation making you feel puffy and bloated.

Dieting can cause you to binge eat something which is even worse than just having one cookie here and there. Constantly dieting then eating these high-calorie junk foods will do some damage to your metabolism and make you gain more weight. Honestly, I found a really good article on metabolic damage you can check it out here. Do yourself a favor and have meals and healthy snacks prepped so you can stay on top of your nutrients. 😊

In conclusion…

christmas cookies

Well, that’s all the tips I have for today! Just remember, when you are going out with family, don’t stress out about it because thats just life. However, everyday counts and you are making this a lifestyle! Not a cheat meal, cheat diets, or a fad diet but a lifestyle of health and wellbeing. Let me know down in the comments what is something you struggle with during the holidays? How can we, as a healthy community, help?!

Below are just a couple of affiliate links; (if you buy yourself a little self-care somethin, I may get a small commission off these purchases!)

Check out Chronometer here for Free!

Want to further your nutrients with vitamins? Check out this post on the most essential vitamins women need. Then go over to Hum Nutrition for a free assessment on what you want personally. This could be fantastic digestion, clear skin, or shiny hairUm yes, please?

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Hi, I'm Dacia. A Student getting my BA in Lifestyle Medicine and Health and Wellness Science to become a Board Certified Nutrition and Wellness Specialist. Learn More about me here...

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