6 Lazy Ways to a Bigger Booty

July 25, 2019

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6 tips for a bigger booty + exercises

 Hello, Beautiful Babes!

Today we will be talking about how to grow the booty quick but in a lazy way! Listen, I know you are so tired from work, taking care of the kids, homework, making dinner, cleaning and every other chore us women have to take care of to have the best house on the block.

But we really need to be taking care of the largest muscle group on our bodies: the glutes and legs.

So how can we fit in an easy and effective booty workout without having to leave the comfort of our own home? Preferably something we can do while we watch Jane the Virgin perhapsā€¦?

Giiirrll, are you looking to eat healthy and lose weight?! I have the perfect program recommendation for you! Try Christina Carlye (nutrition coach!) 7 Day Reset Cleanse (affiliate link!) I used this program and lost a quick 7 lbs! 

how to grow your glutes

Okay so let me explain how this is going to work and I want you to read and listen closely. You can do these exercises ANYTIME!! NO EXCUSES! If you want a big butt or a perky butt or even a  toned booty, whatever it may be, you canā€™t just sit around on it expecting it to grow because thatā€™s not how it works people. HOWEVER, there are still shortcuts to build the glutes in a lazy but effective way. all you busybodies who say you canā€™t go to the gym, this is for you šŸ˜‰

Okay, Iā€™ll stop and give you the deets on HOW you can accomplish this!

How to Grow a bigger butt- the lazy wayā€¦

1. Resistance Bands and TV

Thatā€™s right! You can train those cheeks while watching your favorite movie or tv show because letā€™s be honest, thatā€™s all you want to do sometimes when you get a moment to yourself. But, in order for us to be healthy boss babes, we must move our bodies and keep ourselves in healthy routines!

Instead of binging out on chips, popcorn, chocolate or wine, get out your resistance bands and sit on the floor while using your bands. Here is a superrrr easy workout you can do with the bands that will grow your peach quick yet effectively. Oh and some of the BEST resistance bands that are fire to the butt.

>>>Resistance Band Booty Burn<<<

>>>The Best Resistance Bands<<<

RELATED:  How to Lose Belly Fat with Food 

2. 10 Minute Workout = Big Booty Judy

This workout is soo easy and effortless and you can, of course, do it once again while watching tv in your living room. No need to get exercise clothes on or even shoes! Ive included two workouts. The workout below is by the Live Fit Girls and is so easy. The other is in video form above with 19 Million views! I love it and will definitely start doing this instead of snacking on food.

>>>10 Minute Epic Booty Lift<<<

If you do this for ten minutes each day, you WILL grow a bigger butt!

RELATED: Fat Burning Workout Plans to get you Fit!

3. Build a Booty in 6 Moves

Leg and butt workouts for lazy people

Okay, this workout could be done even in bed! This workout was created by Christina Carlyle and has 20k shares on Pinterest which means- people love it and it WORKS! Give this one a try the next time you have to a few minutes to spare! also try her 7 Day Detox Program to get even more results!

>>>Leg AND AB 6 Move Burner<<<

4. High-Quality Af Foods aka EAT FOOD!

Look, I know this seems counterintuitive to eat because you know that eating donuts do make your butt look big but not in a good way! It can actually create cellulite because that fat isnā€™t moving or being distributed evenly creating an uneven tone.

Food is extremely important when you are trying to build the booty. So when you are making dinner all you have to do is make it healthy AF by adding lots of leafy greens, lean proteins or beans, and a healthy fat source like avocados!

NO SUGAR Ladies!! I know itā€™s hard but we can do it smile

RELATED: 8 Fun Ways to STAY Fit

5. Squats and Low Impact Moves

Check out this at home butt workout by Fitness Blender!

Squats will make your butt look big and so will lower impact workouts! You donā€™t have to go to the gym in order to make your butt big and plus, some people donā€™t have time or money to spend into a gym membership.

Do the moves below before bed twice and you will get a firmer toosh than you did before.

Screen Shot this and pick 1, 2, or all of the following to do (you can do a different one every night):

  • 20 Donkey Kicks each leg
  • 30 sumo squats
  • 2-minute glute bridge hold
  • 15 Single leg lifts (each leg)
  • 30 bodyweight squat
  • 15 single leg kickbacks (each leg)
  • 15 Lunges (each leg)

RELATED: 6 Weight Loss Tips for Teens

RELATED: 10 Vitamins Women Need Every Day

Top 16 Cute & Thrifty Workout Clothes on Amazon

So there you have it! I hope you read this post and take away the best parts of it so that the next time you are chillin on your couch you can think of me and how I told you that you can lazily build a peach while watching tv!

I mean if you could, why wouldnā€™t you?! Also! get some professional advice for fitness and exercise from Christina Carlyle! 7 Day Reset Cleanse

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ā€œAnd whatsoever al of you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God and the Fater by Him.ā€ Colossians 3:17 

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Hi, I'm Dacia. A Student getting my BA in Lifestyle Medicine and Health and Wellness Science to become a Board Certified Nutrition and Wellness Specialist. Learn More about me here...

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