How to Get Motivated To Workout Again (after a break)

January 6, 2020

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If you’re feeling like I am right now, chances are you may have eaten a lot of good foods over the holidays. I’m talking treats, and heavier meals and just letting loose a bit. This is great for mental health and making you realize why you don’t eat those foods much anyways. And if you are one who eats them all the time, I highly recommend trying a cleanse (I will talk more about this at the end of the week!).

detoox water for weight loss

So, I thought about it this morning as I struggled to get ready for the gym and how easy it is to become unmotivated to go to the gym. I really, really didn’t want to get up early and drive to the gym but guess what? I did it anyway and I am going to tell you how I did and why its worth it to get out of this cold slump we both are in.

If you aren’t in a slump, maybe you want to just implement some of these healthy lifestyle tips to create habits! That’s great! You can totally use these tips over and over after a vacation or from a break from the gym.

 I want to make it clear too, its important to take breaks from the gym and dieting constantly because it can be mentally draining and make the journey harder than it needs to be. You need to stop thinking so critically and analytically and more about you and how you feel.

5 tips to help you get back on track

Get your clothes on for your workout session

THe best workout clothes for women on amazon
^^ I have a post on some cute workout clothes that are cheap too!

Honestly, this is a hard part, but it will help you get to the gym. If you really aren’t feeling like going, all it takes is putting on your favorite workout clothes to get ready to crush it… Go to the next tip.

By the way if you need some new workout clothes that will save you some coin, check out my post on some Cute Workout Clothes to get from Amazon.

Tell yourself you’ll just do a little workout, nothing crazy.

^^ This is the one I did today when I was feeling super unmotivated.

If you tell yourself you’ll go for a light workout or even just for 10 minutes, chances are you may stay there longer. Not only that, you’ll break a sweat and work muscles you haven’t worked in a while and it will feel SO good! Getting to the gym is super rewarding when you didn’t want to go in the first place. You defeated that voice in your head that said bed sounded better or even watching Netflix and you accomplished it! Besides, its always the first day that’s the hardest- you already broke the cycle, now you can keep going!  

Get Pumped up.

standing ab workouts

My favorite way to get pumped up? Listening to a song that makes me feel badass while drinking my favorite pre-workout! This is how I get really motivated to go and it reminds that I have something to work for.

Not into pre-workout? drink some water or something that gets you ready for exercise!

Don’t like music? Watch a YouTube video of someone totally crushing their workout.

 Don’t like YouTube? Get on Pinterest and look up inspiring quotes or some motivating celebrities that inspired you to workout or get fit in the first place.

Purchase a workout class, or a meal plan

6 pack abs in 2 weeks

I decided to this for myself by purchasing a detox cleanse because I really wanted to stop eating junk! To my surprise, eating junk back from vacation didn’t magically stop on the 1st. Unfortunately, I found myself downing chocolate and popcorn (my 2 weakness) like every hour and not eat real meals.

If this is happening to you, it may become an issue like it was for me. Make the plunge with me and get a detox plan that you trust and follow through! I purchased this one while it was on sale and will record my results and review the plan in the next week! But anyway, the point of purchasing something will make it so you HAVE to do it or follow through with it! No one likes to waste money. Plus, it’s always the first 1-3 days that are the hardest, just get through that first step and you will be back on track within a week.

Also going to a workout class with a friend, spouse, or family member may also help you as long as they are willing to go. It’s always easier with a friend.

Want the Detox Plan I used? You can use my affiliate link and check it out here! I will be posting my results and my journey on here by the end of the week if you want to wait for my honest and positive review sign up for my email!

Focus on how it will feel and START SMALL!

christmas recipes

Everyone likes to go BIG OR GO HOME at the start in their fitness + health journey. If you do this, you will plateau and go back to your old ways. Trust me I’ve been there! You want what you do to be sustainable for the LONG term, so it makes it easier.

Another one would be eating healthy; everyone wants to go hard and cut out everything right away. If you do this you’ll go crazy and binge which affects your mental health. Try one small habit like drinking more water in the day, meals with veggies, or even 1 dessert a day while gradually decreasing it. Its all about balance and figuring out what works for you.

Start small and work your way up.

It truly does make you feel crappy when you eat too much junk foods, not enough fruits and veggies and then on top of all that, no exercise. Focus on how you feel and pay attention! You will feel better when you start slowly eating less junk and replacing it with whole foods. Not only that but exercise is so amazing for heart health and the brain! Do it for the brain 😉

If you enjoyed these tips, please join my crew as I send out emails weekly for new posts, things I’m trying, and even some health products I recommend. I also send out motivation and helpful tips if you may be struggling to talk to people. I am going to school to learn more about how to be a health counselor to help people with weight loss, mindset, and eating healthy.

Save or share this post to others who may be feeling motivated or save it for later when you need it 😊

Have a great day, drink water, and pet your animals!



Romans 12:2

“Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think”

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